Novu changelog

Zod Integration with Novu

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You can now use Zod Schemas for defining your payload and step controls schemas. The Framework SDK will infer those zod schemas and provide a run-time validation and autocompletion for usage.

Here is an example of a Zod-based validation:

import { workflow } from '@novu/framework';
import { z } from 'zod';

workflow('comment-workflow', async ({ step }) => {
  await'digest-email', async (controls) => ({
    subject: controls.subject,
    body: 'body'
  }), {
    controlSchema: z.object({
      subject: z.string().default('Hi {{subscriber.firstName}}'),
      openAiModel: z.enum(['gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-4o']).default('gpt-4o'),
      aiPrompt: z.string().default('Produce a concise comment digest'),
}, { 
  payloadSchema: z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    comment: z.string() 

Common usecases

  • Validate trigger payload contents to make sure that null or undefined data ends up in your notifications.

  • Provide default values for non-required attributes

  • Create custom validation logic based on backend logic

  • Define UI step controls and expose UI elements from zod schemas

To learn more about Zod integration, read our documentation.